sexta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2019

Penelope Lively phrase

“We open our mouths and out flow words whose ancestries we do not even know. We are walking lexicons. In a single sentence of idle chatter we preserve Latin, Anglo-Saxon, Norse: we carry a museum inside our heads, each day we commemorate peoples of whom we have never heard.” 

(Penelope Lively)

"Abrimos nossas bocas e emitimos palavras fluidas cujos ancestrais nem conhecemos. Estamos andando com léxicos. Em uma única frase de tagarelice, preservamos o latim, anglo-saxão e  nórdico: carregamos um museu em nossas cabeças, todos os dias comemoramos povos de quem nunca ouvimos falar." (Penelope Lively) 

Penelope Levely é uma escritora britânica, escreve ficção para crianças e adultos. 

segunda-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2019

Randy Crawford - Wild Is The Wind and In The Still of the Night, Neville Brothers

It is a song written by Dimitri Tiomkin and Ned Washington. There are several versions with performers for all musical tastes: David Bowie (really cool!), Nina Simone (sophisticated), Bon Jovi (I didn't like it), George Michael, Esperanza Spalding ...

David Bowie's version reminds me of little shows where people dance but his voice is fantastic. I didn't like the instrumental part... trust some instruments). f he had recorded with Neville Brothers it would have been wonderful!

I posted here In The Still of the Night with Neville Brothers because despite being another song, the instrumental is fantastic. I feel like dancing around the house whenever I hear.


"With your kiss my life begins..." ♪  ♪  ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭ 

Nina Simone's voice is interesting but I like her a lot more at the piano. She has a background in classical piano, is playing in this video and is fabulous. I love it, she makes fabulous chords and her voice is so emotional. There are times when I focus only on the piano, so grand that it is ... I studied classical piano but I would never play like that. She is great! It would be great to have her as a neighbor to hear the rehearsals, but she's gone ...

Trip to Chicago, Gurnee, Illinois - August and September 2019

I took a short seventeen-day trip to Gurnee, Illinois, in August and September2019. Instead of trying American Airlines and United flights as I had been doing, I decided to check out COPA Airlines flights. I was easily able to buy tickets, no setbacks on the way out but the flight was delayed more than an hour in return. Chicago to Panama, ok. Panama to Brasilia / Brazil, with delay. On the way, when we were arriving in Chicago, the plane was so unstable, I never saw a plane shake so much! There was a couple who spoke Spanish next to me. The boy was next door, the most distant girl, physically. He was extremely polite. We made brief observations about the descent and I had already read that the company's planes are often old. At that moment I promised myself not to venture into unknown companies.

Guenee is a beautiful city, I saw nothing spectacular that caught my attention but I reverence the careful architecture of the houses, streets, planning. I liked the Mariano's Supermarket, which allows you to pay without having to attend the supermarket, Savanah Park is so beautiful ... I don't have to close my eyes to remember the flowers in abundance, the beauty of the undergrowth, the sound of small stones under my tennis, walking, the breeze, the sympathy of all the Americans who greeted us as they passed us ...

I remember one time we went to the park after a rainy night, it was very early. We walked 3 miles. It rained too much but the sun was in the clouds, the day was bright and we could not reach the small bridge because the lake rose. It was so interesting to look closely at the water and to see small fish swimming so close, within my reach ... the transparency of the water, the smell of moisture and the farewell we all make when we love a country so much and we are fully aware that we will be a few days ... I tried it too in Paris, as well as when I was in Florida in 2014, and in Washington last year (2018). I loved the Washington museums and worried about the drivers who run too much. Here in Brazil, we can not exceed the speed of 80 km. We are fined. In Washington the speed is impressive.

I was enchanted with the park's flowers. They are so different. I put some into a book and brought them to Brazil. I eternalized those moments in so many photos ...

Sometimes I wonder if these images will ever appear in future dreams, when I'm sleeping ... with another name, another body ... It's just reflections...  

More posts about Gurnee in the coming days....


Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

In the picture above, the garden of one of the houses ...

Pictured above, vegetation on top of the lake, in the park mentioned

Lake Michigan. I was very surprised when I saw that he has waves.

I fell in love with this flower ...

sábado, 21 de dezembro de 2019

Por que você não consegue comentar em seu próprio blog

Olá amigos,

Passei um longo tempo sem conseguir agradecer os comentários em meu próprio blog, o mesmo se dava quando eu tentava comentar em outros blog's. Passei horas pesquisando e vi os resultados mais escalafobéticos, com tantas recomendações avançadas que quase desisti, até que pensei, não é possível que isso seja tão complexo assim. Vou tentar mais uma vez. E consegui da seguinte maneira:

- Abri um comentário feito em meu blog

- Selecionei a opção NOME e URL

- Preenchi na linha de cima o meu nome. Na linha de baixo coloquei o link do meu blog. 

- Atualizei clicando na seta, no canto superior direito do google Chrome e deu certo! 

Imediatamente a minha foto e dados apareceram, como também aquele símbolo de editar/corrigir a publicação que havia sumido do meu blog. Eu só conseguia editar quando abria o blog em "Todas as Postagens". 

Percebi mais uma mudança: quando fazia login, eu não tinha acesso ao meu blog. O acesso se dava através do e-mail, e somente desta forma eu conseguia publicar, ler os comentários, ver os acessos porém, ao abrir meu blog em nova guia, digitando o endereço na barra do Chrome, ao olhar para o canto superior direito, via a palavra "login". Ou seja, eu via meu blog como algo inacessível. Agora, ao abrir nova página e colocar o link dele, vejo meu e-mail, nova postagem, design e "sair". Não precisarei mais abrir meu e-mail para acessá-lo. Posso fazer como antigamente, acessando-o pela página do blog.  

Diante da dificuldade que eu tive, decidi ajudar os demais fazendo esta publicação. 


How beautiful Rio de Janeiro is

Click on the photos to see them larger. Try to imagine the smell of the sea, the cold beer, gastronomy, the sun ...